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Ethan Scott
Ethan Scott

Learn How to Access or Modify Simatic S7-200 PLC Program without Password by Using an ePub File

Simatic S7-200 PLC Password Crack ePub

Simatic S7-200 is a programmable logic controller (PLC) developed by Siemens for industrial automation applications. A PLC is a device that can control various machines and processes by executing a program that contains logic instructions. A PLC program can be written using different languages, such as ladder logic, statement list, or function block diagram.


Some PLC programs may have a password protection feature that prevents unauthorized access or modification of the program. This feature is intended to protect the intellectual property rights of the programmer or owner of the PLC, as well as to ensure the safety and reliability of the machines and processes controlled by the PLC. However, sometimes there may be situations where someone needs to crack the password of a Simatic S7-200 PLC, such as:

  • The original programmer or owner of the PLC is not available or cannot be contacted.

  • The original programmer or owner of the PLC has forgotten or lost the password.

  • The user wants to access or modify the program for troubleshooting, maintenance, or improvement purposes.

  • The user wants to learn from or copy the program for educational or competitive reasons.

In this article, we will explain how to crack the password of a Simatic S7-200 PLC using an ePub file. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password, and some alternatives to cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password.

How to Crack Password of Simatic S7-200 PLC

To crack the password of a Simatic S7-200 PLC, we need to follow these general steps:

  • Remove the EEPROM chip from the PLC. The EEPROM chip is a small electronic component that stores the program and the password of the PLC. It is usually located on the CPU module of the PLC. To remove it, we need to open the PLC case and use a screwdriver or a plier to gently pull out the chip from its socket.

  • Read the data from the EEPROM chip using an EEPROM programmer. An EEPROM programmer is a device that can read and write data to an EEPROM chip. We need to connect the EEPROM chip to the programmer using a suitable adapter or a clip. Then, we need to use a software that can communicate with the programmer and read the data from the chip. We need to save the data as a binary file on our computer.

  • Modify the data of the EEPROM chip using a Hexa editor. A Hexa editor is a software that can edit binary files in hexadecimal format. We need to open the binary file that we saved from the previous step using a Hexa editor. Then, we need to change some data of the file according to a specific algorithm that can bypass the password protection of the PLC. The algorithm may vary depending on the model and version of the PLC, but it usually involves changing some bits or bytes of the file at certain addresses or offsets.

  • Use S7unpassword tool to get the password from the modified data. S7unpassword is a software that can extract the password from a modified binary file of an EEPROM chip of a Simatic S7-200 PLC. We need to open the modified binary file using S7unpassword and click on "Get Password" button. The software will display the password of the PLC on the screen.

  • Rewrite the modified data to the EEPROM chip using an EEPROM programmer. We need to use the same EEPROM programmer and software that we used in step 2, but this time we need to write the modified data to the chip instead of reading it. We need to make sure that we select the correct model and size of the chip before writing.

  • Reinstall the EEPROM chip to the PLC and upload the program from PLC to PC using Simatic Manager software. Simatic Manager is a software that can communicate with Simatic S7-200 PLCs and upload or download programs to or from them. We need to connect the PLC to our computer using a serial cable or a USB adapter. Then, we need to open Simatic Manager and create a new project for our PLC. We need to select "Upload Station" option from "PLC" menu and follow the instructions on the screen. The software will upload the program from PLC to PC and display it on our screen. We can now access or modify the program without entering any password.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC Password

Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password has some advantages and disadvantages that we need to consider before doing it.

Advantages of Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC Password

Some of the benefits of cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password are:

  • We can access or modify the program of the PLC without any restriction or limitation.

  • We can troubleshoot, maintain, or improve the performance or functionality of the machines or processes controlled by the PLC.

  • We can recover or reset a lost or forgotten password of the PLC.

  • We can learn from or copy the program of another programmer or owner of the PLC for educational or competitive purposes.

Disadvantages of Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC Password

Some of the drawbacks of cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password are:

  • We may violate intellectual property rights of another programmer or owner of the PLC, who may have invested time, money, and effort to create the program.

  • We may risk damaging the PLC or the EEPROM chip by removing or rewriting it, which may affect the operation or safety of the machines or processes controlled by the PLC.

  • We may lose the warranty or support from Siemens or the PLC supplier, who may not approve or authorize cracking the password of the PLC.

  • We may face legal or ethical consequences if we use the cracked password or program for malicious or fraudulent purposes.

Alternatives to Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC Password

Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password is not the only way to access or modify the program of the PLC. There are some other options that we can try before resorting to cracking the password, such as:

Contacting the Original Programmer or Owner of the PLC

The best and most legitimate way to access or modify the program of a Simatic S7-200 PLC is to contact the original programmer or owner of the PLC and request the password or permission to access or modify the program. This way, we can respect their intellectual property rights and avoid any legal or ethical issues. We can try to find their contact information from the PLC label, manual, invoice, website, or other sources. We can explain our situation and reason for requesting the password or permission, and hope that they will cooperate with us.

Using a Backup Copy of the Program or a Default Password

Another option to access or modify the program of a Simatic S7-200 PLC is to use a backup copy of the program or a default password if available. A backup copy of the program may be stored on a disk, a flash drive, a memory card, or another device. We can use Simatic Manager software to open the backup copy and download it to the PLC. A default password may be set by Siemens or the PLC supplier for some models or versions of Simatic S7-200 PLCs. We can try to find out if there is a default password for our PLC from the manual, website, forum, or other sources. We can enter the default password on Simatic Manager software and access or modify the program.

Replacing the EEPROM Chip or the PLC Itself

The last option to access or modify the program of a Simatic S7-200 PLC is to replace the EEPROM chip or the PLC itself with a new one that does not have a password protection. This option may be costly and time-consuming, but it may be necessary if we cannot crack the password or contact the original programmer or owner of the PLC. We can buy a new EEPROM chip or a new PLC from Siemens or another supplier, and install it on our system. We can then write our own program using Simatic Manager software and download it to the new EEPROM chip or PLC.


In this article, we have explained how to crack the password of a Simatic S7-200 PLC using an ePub file. We have also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password, and some alternatives to cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password. Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password is a possible but risky way to access or modify the program of the PLC. We need to consider carefully before doing it, and respect the intellectual property rights of another programmer or owner of the PLC. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to Simatic S7-200 PLC password crack:

What is an ePub file and how to use it to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password?

  • An ePub file is a file format that can store digital books or documents. It can be opened by various software or devices, such as e-readers, tablets, or computers. To use an ePub file to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password, we need to convert the modified binary file of the EEPROM chip to an ePub file using a software such as Calibre. Then, we need to open the ePub file using an e-reader or a device that can display the password on the screen.

Where can I find the tools and software needed to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password?

  • Some of the tools and software needed to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password are available online for free or for a fee. For example, we can find Hexa editor, S7unpassword, and Calibre from their official websites or other sources. However, we need to be careful and cautious when downloading or using these tools and software, as they may contain viruses, malware, or spyware that can harm our computer or system.

How long does it take to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password?

  • The time it takes to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password depends on various factors, such as the model and version of the PLC, the size and type of the EEPROM chip, the speed and quality of the EEPROM programmer, the complexity and length of the password, and the skill and experience of the user. Generally, it may take from a few minutes to a few hours to crack Simatic S7-200 PLC password.

Is cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password legal or ethical?

  • Cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password may not be legal or ethical in some cases, especially if it violates intellectual property rights of another programmer or owner of the PLC, or if it is used for malicious or fraudulent purposes. Therefore, we need to check the laws and regulations of our country or region before cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password, and respect the rights and interests of others. We also need to be responsible for our actions and consequences when cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password.

What are some tips or precautions for cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password?

Some tips or precautions for cracking Simatic S7-200 PLC password are:

  • Make a backup copy of the original data of the EEPROM chip before modifying it.

  • Use a reliable and compatible EEPROM programmer and software.

  • Follow the correct algorithm and procedure for modifying the data of the EEPROM chip.

  • Verify the modified data and the password before rewriting to the EEPROM chip.

  • Reinstall the EEPROM chip carefully and securely to the PLC.

  • Test the program and the operation of the PLC after uploading it from PLC to PC.





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